Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Big Day

I got a few comments about the Call to Worship I wrote for Baccalaureate Mass on Sunday, so I figured I'd post it here...

Call To Worship: December 2011 Baccalaureate Mass

The spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me, he has sent me

In all circumstances give thanks, for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus…

They said to John the Baptist, “What do you have to say for yourself?”and he said, “I am the voice of one crying out in the desert, ‘make straight the way of the Lord,’”…

It’s not a coincidence that these quotes come from today’s readings. It’s not by mistake that in just a few minutes the first reading will tell us that we are being sent forth to do great things. I don’t think it’s an accident that today’s second reading is about giving thanks in all circumstances because it is the will of God for us in Christ Jesus. Someone didn’t randomly pick out a Gospel about testifying to the light and making straight the way of the Lord.

We are here this morning to receive a message. A message about trusting in God’s will for us, about having the courage to go where we are sent, about doing what is right and continuing to stick to our values and our faith. Coming here together today symbolizes so much more than the place we go to on Sundays, or a bunch of people that don’t have to go to classes any more. This isn’t just Baccalaureate Mass – it’s a symbol of our faith.

Our faith in God – that He loves us, has a plan for us, and will give us the grace and talents to go out and do His will in our professions.

Our faith in Gannon – that this community has taught us that there is something greater than ourselves, and that we will always be able to come home here.

And our faith in ourselves – that whether we are employed or not, whether we are going in the same direction we originally planned or if our goals have changed, and whether we even know what we’re doing tomorrow, or if we’ll figure that out after we get past not tripping walking across the stage this afternoon – faith in ourselves that we, as the Gannon University December Class of 2011 are being sent by God to do great things.

For those of us that are being sent forth from here and leaving Gannon, today is a difficult day – one of trying to hold onto these messages of faith, hope, and love while being confronted by worries of the future, anxiety, and a sharp reality of what will happen to you after you’ve taken off your cap and gown and you finally hold your diploma in your hand.

But no matter what path any of you choose to take, remember to always return to Mass and your faith. Be strong in the Lord, and never give up hope – we are called to do great things.

So, as we come now to Mass with our Lord, to share our faith, pray with our graduates, and celebrate the end of the semester, let us stand and greet those around us, and welcome each other and the Lord into our hearts. 

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Old school

So in the process of re-discovering my old blog, I found this slideshow I made of pics from freshman year:

As I watched it for the first time in almost 5 years, I remember taking way too much time to make it, and the memories came flooding back.

Most of them were good -- I'm still pretty close with most of the people in those pictures -- some of them are still my closest friends, some of them I've lived with over the years, some of them I've worked with, and even if I don't talk to some of them on a regular basis, I'd like to think I'm on good terms with 95% of them still.

There are the few that I've lost touch with and will probably never be friends with again... the ex-boyfriends, the ex-best friends, the people where you can't really remember what happened between you but it seemed like a big deal at the time. Part of me wishes that I could send them the slideshow and remind them of the fun times we used to have, and part of me doubts that they would a) respond at all, b)respond positively, or c) even know what to say.

In any case, I think that we meet the people we do so that we can at least learn something from those relationships. Each new friendship or relationship we have is impacted greatly by the ones we had before it, and they help us to grow into the people we are right now. Sometimes that impact is positive, and other times it's just a lesson, but in any case, there's no going back from here - so don't bother regretting any of it.

Friday, November 18, 2011

A fresh start

I've missed writing... a lot. After a few years of weekly editorials in The Gannon Knight where I could write about whatever I wanted in 500 words or less, I've gotten used to expressing random thoughts like that. I found the info for my old blog that I had my freshman year of college, but after re-reading some of my last posts on there, I've realized how much I've grown over the past 6 years, and I think it's time for a fresh start.

Where am I at right now in my life? I have a few weeks left of my last class for my Master's in Business Administration. I'm working 3 jobs - at Strong Vincent High School as a mentor for the GO College! program, a graduate assistant for Gannon University's Dahlkemper School of Business, and I just started as the Catholic Campus Ministry Coordinator at Penn State Behrend. Sounds kind of crazy, I know, but I like to keep myself busy. Music is a huge part of my life, and Jimmy, my guitar, is like my baby. I'm a Jersey girl, born and bred, and have the attitude and hint of an accent to prove it, but it takes a lot for me to get fired up about something.

Where am I going? God only knows... Over the past year or so, I've learned to take things day by day instead of freaking out about what the future holds for me. God has had a funny way of putting things in my lap when I need them the most, even if I make other plans, and I have faith that things will work out so that I'll end up where I'm supposed to be. That doesn't mean I'm not working my butt off to finish my Master's and build up my resume, but I'm really happy with I'm at today, so I know that at least for now, I'm where I'm supposed to be. As far as the other bridges, I'll cross those when I come to them.

Last thought for the night... Why the name of this blog? Because I believe that each of us has the potential to be a bright light in this world, and to make a huge impact by spreading that light. So, if we always let our light shine, then we can truly "be the change [we] wish to see in the world."

We are the light of the world 
We are a city on a hill 
We are the light of the world and 
We gotta, we gotta, we gotta let the light shine 
Let the light shine, let the light shine

- Kari Jobe "We Are"